Rust and it's Orphan Rules
Recently at work I managed to hit the Orphan Rules implementing some things for an internal crate. Orphan Rules you say? These are ancient rules passed down from the before times (pre 1.0) that have to do with trait coherence. Mainly, if you and I both implement a trait from another crate on the same type in another crate and we compile the code, which implementation do we use? Coherence is about knowing exactly which implementation of the code we use. Unfortunately this can be a bit strict at times and was the issue I ran into that I want to talk about how it was solved.
I'm going to be intentionally vague here, but bear with me as the thing I want to talk about is the actual solution that you might need dear reader. My work code base is a chonky one, around 330,000 lines of actual code (which is all pre-macro) according to tokei. We absolutely have to break this up into multiple crates. There's just no other way to cache this effectively (fun times for CI) and separate logical concerns. This means we use types in the main application that come from these more foundational crates.
In this specific instance we have a crate that acts like a store of different types. It's a HashMap<&'static str, HashMap<String, Box<dyn Any + Send + Sync>>
wrapped in a type that has methods to access it. A more redacted slimmed down version is this:
pub struct Store {
// The first key is the "Type" of the object, while the second key is
// it's "Name". We can have multiple of the same "Type"
inner: HashMap<&'static str, HashMap<String, Box<dyn Any + Send + Sync>>
impl Store {
pub fn get<T>(name: &str) -> Option<&T>
where T: Storeable
// Some other similar methods for retrieval
The key here is this Storeable
trait that is pretty important it looks like:
pub trait Storeable {
const TYPE: &'static str;
fn cast(val: Value) -> Result<Box<(dyn Any + Send + Sync)>, Error> {
let val = Self::try_from(val)?;
We essentially take some unformed blob of data and cast it and put it in the store when we create it. How the try_from
is implemented is not important, just the fact that we cast the value to some Rust type. This is part of a whole crate to just take things in and turn them into this Store
that we can pull different Rust types out of. As such we needed a way to pass data from the main application across crate boundaries so we could know what data needed to be casted from and to what types. This leads us to the Registry
type RegMap =
HashMap<&'static str, Box<dyn Fn(Value) -> Result<Box<(dyn Any + Send + Sync)>, Error>>>;
pub struct Registry {
reg: RegMap
impl Registry {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
reg: HashMap::new(),
pub fn register<T>(&mut self)
T: Storeable,
Error: std::convert::From<<U as TryFrom<Value>>::Error>,
Box::new(U::cast) as Box<dyn Fn(Value) -> Result<Box<(dyn Any + Send + Sync)>, Error>>
// The actual code that takes in values and runs it's casting functions on
// them that have been registered
Every thing you want to be converted needs to be registered! Now we used to error if we had extra blobs of stuff and this signalled you needed to register things, which was fine when everything was in one repo, but we split it out. So you might run old code with brand new blobs causing it to fail since they weren't tied together. We had to relax this error, but this means if someone fails to register their type in the main application then we might not find out for a while since all they'll get is a None
from the Store
s get
function. This meant we wanted to switch it to a compile time error instead! The solution? More trait bounds!
// We created a trait in the crate
pub trait Registered {}
// We then created a little macro as the only way to register something
// hiding the documentation around the `register` function for the registry
macro_rules! register {
($reg:ident, $type:ty) => {
impl cratename::Registered for $type {}
Then in the main code we replaced all calls to register the function with the macro instead. Then we changed the function signature for the get
method to fn get<T>(name: &str) -> Option<&T> where T: Storeable + Registered
. This means that if you tried to pull out a type from the Store
but forgot to register it the compiler would fail since you didn't implement the trait for it. Perfect right? Well all was right in the world until I hit E0210. Remember how I said some of the types get defined in other subcrates. Well some of those types were registered prior to the change. Implementing the Registered
trait in the type's crate also defeats the whole exercise here which is to enforce invocation of a function and make it a compile time error otherwise. We hit the Orphan Rules! Which inevitably led to this tweet in frustration trying to figure out ways to get around it.
another day volunteering on the lang team. everyone keeps asking me if they can break the Orphan Rules. buddy, they wont even let me break em
— Michael "Free from the not free Army" Gattozzi (@mgattozzi) July 8, 2020
Now normally the advice is make a local New Type and impl the trait on that. For instance we could do:
impl Registered for Foo {}
struct Foo(ForeignType);
But that means we would have to create a New Type for every single foreign type and then our calls to get
would be the wrapped type not the actual type which is confusing because you would ask for type Foo
in the function and get a Bar
instead which is just bad API design in this case. Well then we could do something like this then right?
// In the crate change the impl to
pub trait Registered<T> {}
// In our main code
impl Registered<LocalType> for ForeignType {}
// And changing our function defs to
pub fn register<T, U>()
where T: Storeable + Registered<U>
pub fn get<T, U>(name: &str) -> Option<&T>
where T: Storeable + Registered<U>
This works actually! Which is fine for the call to register but this means for every single call to get
your code looks like store.get::<ActualType, LocalType>("some name")
which is hardly intuitive either. We want the API to remain the same because all the caller actually cares about is the type they want out of the Store
. We can do this with some other shennanigans though by making the U
apart of the types themselves. By changing the types to this:
use std::marker::PhantomData;
pub struct Register<U> {
reg: RegMap
_phantom: PhantomData<U>
pub struct Store<U> {
inner: HashMap<&'static str, HashMap<String, Box<dyn Any + Send + Sync>>
_phantom: PhantomData<U>
We have constrained the local type so to speak. First we would change our macro to look like this:
macro_rules! register {
($reg:ident, $local:ty , $type:ty) => {
impl cratename::Registered<$ty> for $type {}
We then would change our functions to look like:
pub fn register<T>()
where T: Storeable + Registered<U>
pub fn get<T>(name: &str) -> Option<&T>
where T: Storeable + Registered<U>
And in our impl that U
comes from the type itself e.g. impl<U> Store<U>
. Now the only places that need the local type to be typed out at all are function calls the Store
gets passed to which isn't the most ideal thing, but it declutters the function calls which are arguably more important to understand.
If you hit these rules yourself with similar constraints as ours, then I hope this bit of knowledge will help you overcome that hump. More often than not the New Type way should suffice, but in this case we needed something different. I'd really like if the rules could be relaxed if the crates are all in the same workspace and internal like they are at work, but I'm sure there are difficulties on figuring out if crates in a workspace are up on let alone another registry etc. etc. Nothing about designing a language is easy and there are a lot of reasons these rules do exist and are really constrained. Just like how NLL helped relax what the borrow checker would accept in terms of valid programs, I'm hoping future versions of the compiler might ease up a bit more on the rules. Either way there was at least a solution, even if it wasn't my most favorite one, but I got to learn a lot in the process and hopefully you did too!